Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

I was looking over some of the pictures on my computer and I stumbled across this one. If you aren’t sure who the people in the picture are: (from left to right) Mom, Dad, me and a sweet old southern couple named Della and Ron Willy that were friends with my parents.

As you examine this picture (after you finish admiring the adorable little boy) there are a couple of things that the mildly astute person may notice. For one you will see that we are all drinking Dr. Pepper, an addiction of mine that was clearly established at an early age. And you will probably notice that everyone is dressed in their Sunday clothes. If you are a drawer of conclusions you might infer that the subjects of the picture had just returned from church and were enjoying a meal together. Such an observation would be correct.

My love for Dr. Pepper wasn’t the only thing that began in my early childhood. All through my childhood my parents took me to church. I don’t ever remember seeing the ritual as bothersome; It was just what we did. But I am glad that I was taught as a child that taking the time each week to attend church was “just what you do”.

It is funny that I went to church almost every Sunday for my whole life but it wasn’t until I was about twenty-two that I really started to understand why. My parents, probably without realizing fully the weight of this ritual, established a constant fixture in my week that helps me to worship and serve the Lord and be equipped to worship and serve Him better. I can’t imagine a Sunday without going to church in some capacity.

We had Tuesday Bible study tonight and we were talking about how important it is to be in church, not just for the teaching but for the encouragement we can get from each other. Iron definitely sharpens iron and it is easy to get dull in this world.

My hope is that those who are reading this blog get to enjoy the encouragement and spiritual food that they need this Sunday in church. And especially if you have kids, “train them up in the way they should go” it could change their life (for the better).


Browningblog said...

Ray, this is totally off the point, but my goodness, I always knew you looked like your dad but that is ridiculous! I didn't know your dad with hair (sorry Russ) and now we now there will be three of you because that might as well be you and AJ sitting there!

I do feel like you hit the nail on the head though. I think when you teach children the importance of attending church, you start them on their way. I hate it that I miss Tuesday nights, I enjoyed coming to Bible study, once we get a little more into the band season, my house might not be such a zoo on Tuesdays (but I LOVE my zoo!)

Blair Bunch said...

I'm glad you figured it out at 22- there are people all over this free country that went to church every week as a child that you now have to drag in the door. Also, it is better when we are at church and iron is SHARPING iron rather that trying to stab each other with it!

Anonymous said...

How did you make that picture of you and AJ look so old and emily look so tall? Just kidding.
